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Diagnostic Wax-Up

A Valuable Tool for Any Smile Makeover

Diagnostic Wax-Ups help patients determine whether or not to pursue treatment by comparing a printed model to their existing smile. With this technique, UTDDL removes the desired amount of tooth structure from the preoperative model, digitally designs the wax-ups over the prepped teeth, and prints the wax-ups with a 3D printer. This method accurately shows the patient, dentist and lab technician the realistically attainable results for the cases.

Provisional’s / Temporaries:

Provisionals provide your patients with a beautiful smile as soon as you prepare their teeth. We realize the importance of Acrylic temporaries for your patient and offer the delivery of temporaries as early as possible. The temporaries offer great strength and save you the time and hassle of creating chair-side temporaries

We recommend making the temporaries one shade darker than the final restoration for an additional ‘Wow Effect’ during the final delivery appointment.

Bite Splints

Bite Splint is a splint designed to alleviate the pain and damage caused by severe bruxing or clenching of the teeth and is the most widely prescribed bite splint due to its comfort and fit.

  •  Protect your patients’ teeth against the pain and damage of bruxing
  •  New auxiliary procedure
  •  Custom-made for every bite plane

Night guards and Bleaching trays:

Ur’s Toothfully uses the latest techniques and materials to produce bleaching trays, night guards hard/soft and bite splints. . An accurate fit and lasting durability are assured with the use of our Vaccuformed system and materials.


Patient Detail:

Case Description